Forest for Family
The Bishow Karma family are from the so called low cast in Nepal. Due to the poor economic condition the family can not afford other sources of energy to run their Kitchen. The cooking energy in kitchen of the family depends on the fuel wood they can collect from the Godavari Kunds Community Forest which is in the outskirt of Kathmandu Valley. The family is dependent on the fuel wood for whole year. But the community forest management opens the forest for it’s users once a year for a period of one month. The fuel wood that the family collects in the one month have to run for the whole year. On the month of January , the family will be in the forest every day to collect fuel wood. Today , on 18th January , the five members of Bishow Karma family are in the forest to collect the fuel wood for their living.
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Parbat Bishow Karma , the youngest son of Surya Kumari Bishow karma is also in the forest. He did not go to School in the morning. He keeps on making jokes with his mother time and again and some time plays with fuel wood and logs that his parents has collected.
Godavari Kund community Forest, Kathmandu, Nepal.
Ram Puri, the attendant of the Godavari Kunda Community forest
Ram Puri, the attendant of the Godavari Kunda Community forest stoops Pradeep Bishow Karma to cut a specific type of the tree that the Community Forest Management has banned to cu
Surya Kumari Bishow karma looks for the dry fuel wood in the forest. She says, “The more dry i can collect dry wood, the more i can carry”.
Surya Kumari Bishow Karma Brings the collection of the dry wood to the collection corner that she collected in the forest going here and there.
Surya Kumari Bishow Karma ties the bundle of the fuel wood with rope, while his husband Ratna Bahadur Bishow Karma brings the logs to collection corner that his son Pradeep Bishow Karma has cut.
Surya Kumari Bishow Karma piles the dry fuel wood carefully so that she can make it a bundle and carry it to home.
Parbat Bishow Karma has found a log to play that his elder brother has cut.
Durga Bishow Karma,15, the daughter in law of Surya Kumari Bishow karma does not like to go here and there to collect the dry fuel wood. She prefer to cut small branches of the tree. Most of the time she is seen cutting branches on the trees.
Ratna Bahadur Bishow Karma, the father, carries the logs that his elder Son, Pradeep Bishow Karma has cut in the forest.
Surya Kumari Bishow Karma is ready with her bundle of dry fuel wood that she will carry to her home.
18th January , 2012. Godavari Kund community Forest, Kathmandu, Nepal.